Pga. ett amerikanskt tagentbord, Imma write in english. Ya kow, makes ma life SOOO much easier. JK gotta live life, that's why I pretend to write like a dope white swedish girl in America. How y'all doin'?
I entered the school 7.01 AM. Sick, right? No, but I had to work on a video that I'm making. It's gonna be awesome. Hopefully.... How ever, the bell rang at 7.35 - which meant that we had four minutes until it would ring again; five minutes until class would start. Now, I'm working on my video again, but while it's rendering, I write here. It's third hour, ONLY five hours left of the day. But it'r OK.  I like school. Seven different classes a day makes it feel shorter. Then I have track for another 2-2.5 hours. 
My sister texted me this morning, telling me about easter, and asking when I'm coming home. 70 days it is. Only the one who's been waiting for something for a long time knows what it's like. All summer last year, I waited excited for the day to come. Then finally I left. The first three months went by so fast - I remember myself thinking how weird it was. No it's been s e v e n moths. Even more.
It's no longer 3rd of April - I'm still in school early in the morning. Other than a bad night sleep, this day will pretty much be a repeat from yesterday. But I have prom dress stress now. Urgh. It's not fun! Couldn't sleep. Thinking of it right now. I never though I would care this much, but I sure do. No dress. 23 days until promday. I have my date, so I feel lucky. But the dress. What the heck. I want and need one r i g h t  n o w!!!!!!
Ok. This is enough. Happy easter y'all!!!! Love you - see you   s o o n!! :)


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